Life at Miss Hall’s

You are a vital part of us

Miss Hall’s is a deeply connected community, one where each individual counts and everyone contributes

澳门威利斯网站,你将模糊学习和生活之间的界限. Your peers will be both friends and colleagues, 你从同学身上学到的和从老师身上学到的一样多. You will start clubs, strengthen your leadership skills, ride a horse, code an app, and write a song for an open mic night. You’ll learn to cook dishes from your friends’ homelands, 你会见到老师的孩子(和他们的小狗一起玩). 在冬天,你可以在课间拿上雪橇,沿着旗杆山(Flagpole Hill)滑几下.


We’re all in this together

We are defined by our community and our relationships. 不管是在你生日那天用小蛋糕给你惊喜, your chemistry teacher attending your piano recital, 或者金吉尔在学校商店为你保存你最喜欢的零食——嗯, 这么说吧,当你在澳门威利斯网站家的时候,你会觉得自己最为人所知.

Wondering about who’ll be on your Personal Team? Ask Nolan

And not just known — supported. In a boarding school community, you’ll have incredible access to teachers and staff, so you can seek help at all hours. 年长的学生总是可以回答你的问题,并向你展示他们学到的东西, and if you stay in the dorms, 我们的一位资深学监会住在你那一层,每晚都要办理入住手续. Every student also has what we call a Personal Team一个由四五个老师和同学组成的小组,他们帮助你度过个人的困难和成功.

No one falls through the cracks here.


澳门威利斯网站,你将与来自世界各地的同龄人一起生活、学习并成为朋友. You’ll trade traditions, learn new dances and music, expand your vocabulary, and maybe even share some favorite desserts from home. 就像我们的一个学生说的:“仅仅和别人共进午餐,你永远学不到这么多。.”

最重要的是,这些关系是永远的——我们的许多人 alumnae 说他们在澳门威利斯网站家结交的朋友一直是他们一生中最亲密的朋友.

了解我们与国际社会共同努力实现公平和包容的一些方式, click here.

Scenes from campus life


Boarding and day students

几乎有三分之一的学生是走读学生,但通常很难区分谁是谁. Day students regularly choose to stay late, hanging out with friends in the Living Room, studying in the Library, 参加俱乐部——我们甚至有一些房间是专门为日间学生留的(或者万一他们只是需要在白天储存一些衣服或额外的书)。. 换句话说:无论你是寄宿学生还是走读学生, you will be deeply woven into the fabric of our community. You will be a part of us.

我的女儿每天都能自信地与来自三个不同大洲的学生交流她的想法,这让我感到惊讶. 即使他们分散开来,社区也从未像现在这样包容和支持.

Trustee and parent of Chelsea ’21

Food and local sourcing

We love to eat, and we love to eat well. 我们的厨房工作人员为我们制作了一些非常棒的食物, and thankfully the Dining Room is open all day, with drinks and snacks always available. One nice aspect: no devices are allowed at mealtimes, so we can focus on each other and the community.

餐厅也为我们全年举办一些重要的活动- ISA宴会, athletic banquets, 最重要的冰沙日,以及定期的烹饪俱乐部和非正式的聚会.

Of course, we are deeply connected to the region around us. The Berkshires is a rich agricultural community, 我们的食物来自这个地区的70多个农场. 我们设定了一个目标,校内供应的食物中有50%是本地采购的,而且对我们来说都是超级新鲜的, prepared daily by our in-house culinary team.

就像澳门威利斯网站餐厅的大多数事情一样,学生们对我们的饮食有发言权. 由学生领导的食品咨询委员会与工作人员合作,确保菜单多样化,满足每个人的需求.

Learning and leadership

澳门威利斯网站,每个学生都在帮助塑造我们的文化和社区. 如果你想成立一个扶轮社,改变一项政策,或者提高意识,你可以——而且你应该这样做. 你将练习多种类型的领导能力,你将使校园变得更好,为你自己和他人. Win, win, win.

Learn more about clubs and leadership


Blue and Gold 代表学校体育协会代表队的颜色. At the start of each year, 新生被指定为蓝队或金队的终身成员. 蓝金奖比赛全年举行,参赛队伍得分. 年终积分最多的车队将被授予玛吉·伯格蓝金杯.

The Book of the School 是否有一个大的账簿,上面有每一个在MHS就读过的学生的名字. Students sign the book when they join the community, indicating their acceptance of the School’s Core Values. Seniors stamp the book before Commencement, 表明他们已经达到了毕业的所有要求.

Order Your Class Ring
2023 Class Ring Order Form

Class Rings 每年秋天都会在一个特殊的戒指仪式上颁发给高年级学生. There are four types — Meus Honor Stat ring designed by the Class of 2020; traditional Miss Hall’s School seal with carved blue lapis; classic Miss Hall’s School signet with old school crest; Miss Hall’s School ring designed by the Class of 2005. Read more about the Ring tradition at MHS.

Community Meetings 在星期一和星期五举行,以收集和分享即将发生的事件的新闻. 这些会议还包括学生团体的演讲, classes, and extracurricular groups; as well as updates from Student Council.

The Fall Harvest Luncheon is hosted by members of the sophomore class, who are responsible for planning, setting up, serving, and cleaning up. 学生们会选一个社区里的成年人来切火鸡.

Founder’s Day 4月21日是我们学校的创始人米拉·霍尔的生日. 学校社区的人喜欢在院子里享用草莓和冰淇淋.

The Sending Forth Ceremony is held during the final week of the school year. 每个教师都带着一个特别的愿望或一点明智的建议“把班级送出去”.

Senior Blazers 是深蓝色的,有MHS印章,只有高年级学生才能穿. 在高三的春天,即将升入高年级的学生会购买他们的运动夹克. The evening before Commencement, 即将离任的毕业班在跳蛇舞的仪式上给每一位即将离任的毕业班新生颁发新的运动衫. Read more about Senior Blazers at MHS.

See real schedules from some of our current students

Explore a day in the life

和经验丰富的老师一起学习, 您的学术之旅将根据您的个人兴趣和激情量身定制

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